What is Relaxation?

When you are calm and relaxed, brain waves have unique characteristics, as studies have shown a link between increased alpha wave energy and relaxation. [1][2][3][4]
The waves will be captured by Flowtime sensors and the algorithm which is built based on large data analysis will measure how relaxed you are and generate an index to manifest that.
This Relaxation, not the same as the relaxed feeling of your body, reflects the mental relaxation degree. When the value is high, the brain is relaxed but also alert, while when it's low, the brain is nervous or anxious.
By deep breathing and closing eyes, your relaxation level will go up.

Brainwave frequency varies from person to person. The algorithm needs to set a baseline for you. To have an accurate baseline, please minimize your face movements like blinking, gritting teeth, or moving eyes within the 30s after you start to meditate.

How to understand the Relaxation graph?

Doing meditation helps to relax the brain. The Relaxation index can reflect the trend of relaxation during meditation. Generally, after you close your eyes, feel relaxed, or enter the meditation state, your relaxation value will increase. After relaxation training, the relaxation level can be improved, and you'll be more resilient.


The change in relaxation degree is related to meditation techniques. Generally, when you close your eyes and become relaxed, the relaxation degree will increase, while if you focus your mind, the relaxation degree may be lower. The relaxation index can reflect the trend of relaxation during the meditation process.



1. Jalaudin, Nurasma & Amin, Muhammad. (2019). EEG analysis on human reflection towards relaxation of mind. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences. 15. 185-189. 10.11113/mjfas.v15n2.1103.
2. Mohd Aris, Siti Armiza & A. Jalil, Siti Zura & Bani, Nurul & Mad Kaidi, Hazilah & Muhtazaruddin, Mohd. (2018). Statistical Feature Analysis of EEG Alpha Asymmetry Between Relaxed and Non-Relaxed. 171-175. 10.1109/ICBAPS.2018.8527396.
3. Phneah, Swee & Nisar, Humaira. (2017). EEG-based alpha neurofeedback training for mood enhancement. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine. 40. 10.1007/s13246-017-0538-2.
4. Chen, Andrew & Feng, Weijia & Zhao, Huixuan & 🌚, Yanling & Wang, Peipei. (2008). EEG default mode network in the human brain: Spectral regional field powers. NeuroImage. 41. 561-74. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.12.064.
September 05, 2022 — Flowtime Team